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Shopping As a Lifestyle

What could you invent for your clients to combine shopping with entertainment and make them to come back to the store again and again? Let's consider some interesting options of...

Chinese E-commerce Social App Transforming Retail World

Colin Huang is a one of a rare group of China's entrepreneurs who started their careers in Silicon Valley and then came back to home to launch successful tech enterprises....

Why Chinese Customers Are the Most Income Producing Clients

If you ask almost any fashion or luxury shops in New York, Paris or Rome who their top customers are, the answer likely won't be Americans, Frenchmen or Italians. You...

Travel Retail: A Fast Route to Sales

The everlasting competition between airports and train stations is an additional reminder of the growth of the travel retail market. And today we decided to remind you of one more...

H&M's Sustainable Strategy

Swedish brand H&M will have switched to 100% use of the recycled and organic materials in production of all its products by 2030. This is stated in the report of...

Global Change Award: What if We Could Reinvent Fashion

H&M Foundation has named the winners of the annual innovation Global Change Award which determines best ideas for improving the process of clothing production. The most promising innovations were chosen...

Trending: How to wear a dress?

Femininity is always trending. And while we only think about dresses, designers and fashionistas all over the world have already expanded the horizons of our view on how to combine...

4 Arguments Why You Should Wear Dress to Work

Every morning, thousands of women face the same question: what to wear to work today? What to wear to look beautiful and stylish, feel comfortable and confident, and, at the...

"Next" Generation: Why Fashion World Revolves Around Millenials

Plush suits, printed bombers, ragged jeans and declarations of love for Justin Bieber - all these became a new direction of Dolce & Gabbana who recently sang the murals of...

2017 Most Powerful Fashion Brands

Brand Finance, the British consulting firm, has published a rating of 50 world most valuable fashion brands, based on the sales revenue, marketing investments, brand awareness, product quality, employees' satisfaction...

2017 Most Powerful Fashion Brands

Brand Finance, the British consulting firm, has published a rating of 50 world most valuable fashion brands, based on the sales revenue, marketing investments, brand awareness, product quality, employees' satisfaction...

The Biggest February Deals in the Fashion Industry

Various fashion projects from Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Canada, and Latin America got investments in February 2017. The companies have attracted the funds for expanding international sales, entering new...